But in spite of these claims for lithography as an artistic medium, it remained steadfastly linked in the eyes of critics and collectors with political imagery, propaganda, and commercialism. Cadart had tried, unsuccessfully, to produce an Album lithographique (Album of lithographs) in 1862, at the same time that he published his first Eaux-fortes modernes album, in the preface to which Gautier criticized “the vulgarity of the lithograph.” Burty had also supported the artistic merits of lithography in his preface to the 1861 sale catalogue of a group of lithographs by Romantic artists. Lithography, though it shared etching’s affinities with drawing, had not enjoyed the commercial or critical success that etching had in the 1860s and 1870s. 26 February 1808 Honoré-Victorin Daumier is born in Marseille, on Place Saint Martin, the third child and first son of Jean-Baptiste Daumier (1777-1851) and Cécile-Catherine Philip.The sometimes overly precious trappings of the belle épreuve stood in opposition to lithography’s popular status as an easy means of disseminating images to a wide audience. Jean-Baptiste is an artisan (glazier and picture framer) by trade but pastoral poet by vocation.ġ816 Jean-Baptiste obtains a clerk job at the court of the bankruptcy judges. His wife and children arrive in Paris in September.ġ817-1819 Jean-Baptiste is introduced to Louis XVIII, and his tragedy Philippe II is produced at a small theater on the Rue Chantereine (probably Honorés first exposure to the stage). But he loses his job and family finances are meager. They live at eight different residences, mostly on the Left Bank or on the island quays, over the next dozen years.ġ820 Jean-Baptiste finds a job for his twelve year old son, Honoré, as a saute-ruisseau, or errand boy, for a bailiff, where he gathers his first impressions of the law courts.ġ821 Daumier takes a different job as an assistant at Delaunay’s bookshop in the galleries of the Palais Royal, the teeming center of Parisian book and print commerce, as well as cafes, gaming houses, and brothels.